Thursday, February 09, 2006

Compromise~ When to stay true? When to start fresh?

I started off with a premise... a tickle that grew into an idea. Characters formed to fit the story and the characters carried baggage the led to conflict. As a well know writer (Susan Squires) recently pointed out - character plus conflict equals plot. That is how a simple tickle can grow into a successful novel. Sure, there is a lot more to it than that, but broken into its smallest parts- is the basics.

So what happens after you dump your heart and soul on to the pages and reach those beautiful words -The End? What happens is you go back to page one and edit. Editing is more than prrof reading- it is challenging your story to stand up and be perfect or darn close to it. And that takes strength and determination.

As a writer I followed that path with my first completed story which admittedly was not perfect. Still is not perfect. I then sent it out into the world to a publisher that I thought was write for it. Low and behold, the publisher thoughts so too! Yah! pop the cork and celebrate! I did and it passed. I was left to realize that the publisher wanted the story revised to fit with their line and please their customers. Well who am I to argue with that? It makes good marketing sense. So I started workign with the editor to improve my baby and make it into the wonderful story that I knew it could be.

But that wasn't to be. Not that the editor didn't try... Not that I didn't try... But all of that didn't matter a single lick because the new hotter story was wrong for the heroine. She didn't like those words. She didn't want to do those things. Well *shit*. Now what?

Who is more important the readers or the characters? It's not that simple. If the character doesn't fit with the plot and the story something will be out of sinc no matter how many rewrites are done.

Wait a second you say! The writer has control, right? Yes and no. Can I make her do something not in her nature? not easily and usually not smoothly. *BUT* I can change the heroine to fit the story. And that is just what I had to do. So here I am several months into my contract and finally getting a clue. I have started a rewrite that I hope will fix all the problems and make all involved happy. So a story that 2 days ago was 80 pages long went to zero yesterday. That's right, I am starting fresh. After working on the story for about 24 hours I have it back up to about 20 pages. My adjusted heroine is fitting in well and compliments the story and the publishing line very well. (I think...) In a few days when I have the draft hammered out to the end I will send it off once more and hold my breath, hoping the editor feels the same as I do about the new baby...

writing to GNR


  1. Well the editing of "OF BLOOD AND BLESSINGS" is my sole priority for the moment. I have given myself the week to put the story back together with the new additions and changes.

    I'm back up to about 37 pages now. The last round of edites has OBAB at 68 pages. I'm not yet sure if it will be that long or longer.

    Either way. with 40+ pages to finish this week, I need to go over about 10 pages a day. to get where I want.

    editing to "dirty little thing"

  2. Life has bopped me on the head. I may blog about the situation more fully at another time but for now it's enough to say that I am no longer employed full time at a non-writing job.

    Having said that, I have absolutely no reason (besides stress) to not get OF BLOOD AND BLESSINGS completely done. As of this very moment, I am working on page 49 of 71 pages. So I have about 20 pages to go. I want to finish this by tomorrow and send it off with a hug and a kiss and fist full of crossed fingers.

    editing to Creed on CD because my stinkin' radio channel disappeared.
    note to self: get brother to hook up antenae or however that is spelled... LOLOLOL
