Wednesday, January 09, 2008

a WICKED new writing contest from Cobblestone Press!

Wicked Line
Length: 5 to 10k
Contest : January 2 – 19, 2008

Be wicked for us. We're looking for short story erotica with a very high level of sexual content within five to ten thousand words. HEA or romantic content not required. First and third person accepted (male or female POV).

First place winner will receive a standard contract, first publication slot for the Wicked Line and $100.

Other entries will be considered for publication.

Contest open to all authors currently unpublished with Cobblestone Press, LLC.

We are interested in the following genres: contemporary, historical, paranormal, BDSM, multicultural, science fiction, and fantasy.

Absolutely no fan fiction, forced seduction, rape, purple prose, pedophilia, incest, bodily functions, snuff, bestiality, and necrophilia.

Submissions should be sent to:

1. Use either Times New Roman or Courier New, 12pt. font
2. All paragraphs should be indented .5 (without tabs-preferred) Double Spaced
3. One inch margins
4. Attach the manuscript as an RTF file (no other format will be opened)Include a cover letter in the body of your email, please put WICKED CONTEST in the subject line
5. On the first page of your manuscript include in the upper left corner the following: Title of Manuscript, Word Count- Calculated by your word processor program, Genre (or Line), Full Name, Pen Name (if applicable), Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address

*** Regular Submissions for this line will open February 14, 2008 ***

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

My 2008 resolutions are all about increasing my speed of life. What is that you ask? Well to me it is the pace by which I accomplish my goals. Anyone who knows me, knows I am always doing something. 2008 will not be about doing faster, only about doing smarter.

With that in mind I do have a goal list for the year. Actually I have two (professional and person) but the personal one isn't for general consumption, lol. So I'll share some of my writing goals here.

1. Rather than wander around in my various stories, I will narrow my focus to priority projects. By controlling my ADD better I intend to complete 3 novels and 10 novellas in 2008.

2. Although I love my current publishers, in 2008 I plan to branch out to include 2 or more new publishing houses. I have three small press that I currently have work targeted for and I will get back to submitting my mainstream novels to NY publishers.

3. In the area of promotion... I have several ideas for 2008 including a massive rehaul of my website.

4. Finances go up and down with book sales and although I have been doing ok, I hope to supplement my royalty money with a little steady cash money. This goal has pretty much already been met as I will be helping Cobblestone Press with book distributions beginning tomorrow. :)

I do have a few other little things on my to-do list, but these 4 are my big ones. And I post them here in the cyberspace world as a reminder to help me stay on track.

May your new year be as wonderful and productive as I hope mine to be.
