This Sunday my six are from Eagle Clan 1: Father of the Wolf now available at Cobblestone Press.
Hope hadn’t taken her eyes from the animal. It looked like a large wolf. Very large. The poor thing deserved better than this. As she watched Steve approach it, Hope saw what he couldn’t. Two pale, glowing eyes, blinking open.
Curious? Here's the blurb:
Between a wolf and his woman awaits the love they have both been searching for but to reach it they must overcome doubt, fear and betrayal. After several hundred years of isolation Athair and his clan of Valafrn rejoin the American world in search of mates. As a veterinarian, Hope doubts her sanity when she discovers that the wolf who is hit by a car is actually the man of her dreams.
Want to know a little more about A Snowball's Chance? You can find more at:
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Watch out Steve!