Title: Forgiven
Series: Lynx Clan
Publisher: PK Ink
Release date: November 4, 2022
Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09R7T1NTJ/
Price: $2.99
Kelly Greene saves people and she’s darn good at it, but even her psychic skills have limits and she’ll push them to save the man she finds bleeding on the backseat of her Jeep. Saxxon has been brainwashed prisoner for so long that he’s forgotten how to fight back, but it won’t take him long to learn once he gets a taste of freedom. And with Kelly’s love to offer him strength and the powerful Low Key group to back him up, he may finally defeat his betraying brother and the evil group that wants him back.
And don't miss the rest of the series! Lynx Clan 2: Forgotten & Lynx Clan 3: Forever
I really love my Lynx Clan boys and was very happy to share them and their strong ladies with the world.